Since 2010, Australia has been moving toward a national framework for schooling aimed at raising education standards and achieving nationally consistent curriculum, assessment and reporting.
The Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) developed the
Australian Curriculum. All schools were required to implement the Australian Curriculum by the end of 2020.
At Mapleton, we have a clear ‘Whole School Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Plan’ which outlines how we implement the Australian curriculum in all of the 8 key learning areas.

Curriculum into the Classroom
To support schools with the implementation of the Australian Curriculum, the Queensland Government developed the Curriculum into the Classroom (C2C) resources. These are a set of example planning resources to help teachers implement the Australian Curriculum.
At Mapleton, we use C2C materials to provide a starting point for curriculum planning. Teachers are encouraged to adopt or adapt them to meet individual student learning needs and local contexts.
To enhance our curriculum even further, our school also offers:
Curriculum related excursions, incursions and camps
Environmental science and links to our Mapleton Way — 'Care for our Environment'
- Arts enhancement activities including our 'Instrumental Music' program, school choir and concerts
- Sporting programs including athletics and swimming and inter-school sport activities with neighbouring schools
- Science enhancement through the Cosmic Kids Club utilising our Mapleton State School Observatory and excursions/incursions
- Opportunities to develop critical and creative thinking and collaborative learning e.g. 'STEAM' Week
- Student Council and leadership opportunities