What is The Mapleton Way?
Our school rules are known as ‘The Mapleton Way’ (The 4C’s). They are:
- Care for self
- Care for others
- Care for our learning
- Care for our school
As a school, we focus on The Mapleton Way via teaching in the classroom, on the playground and communicate with our school community on parade, in the newsletter and on social media outlets.
We support our students by discussing ways in which we can enact the school rules and relate it to positive behaviour choices. Teachers and school staff work together to explicitly explain what this looks, sounds and feels like to help our students build their understanding.
For example, when focusing on ‘Care for Others’ we would discuss:
- manners and being polite including saying “Please”, “Thank you” and “Excuse Me”
- moving around the school in an orderly manner and being considerate of others.
- lining up when the bell goes.
- being considerate of the feelings of others
- sharing with others
- speaking respectfully to staff, parents and students
- showing care and concern for others
- actively Listen – take the time to listen to others by looking at them and not interrupting.
- encouraging others
- being helpful
- congratulating others
- respecting personal space.
What is Positive Behaviour Learning?
Behaviour for Learning (PBL) (PDF, 259KB) is an evidence based whole school process to
improve learning outcomes for all students.
Positive Behaviour for Learning brings together
the whole-school community to create a safe, positive learning
environment that enables student learning and wellbeing.
When PBL is implemented, teachers and students
have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. Some of the
benefits for students and staff are:
- reduced problem behaviour
- increased time focused on instruction
- improved social-emotional wellbeing
- positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
- support for teachers to teach, model and respond effectively to student need
- a predictable learning environment where staff and students know what is expected to deliver effective practices that can be sustained over time.
PBL can be implemented in any school setting to support
students from pre-school through to Year 12. In fact, many schools in our local
area also use the PBL approach. The PBL framework supports schools to identify
and successfully implement evidenced-based whole-school practices that enhance
learning outcomes for children and young people.
Positive Behaviour
for Learning at Mapleton State School
As a whole school community,
we have been working on developing our Positive
Behaviour for Learning (PBL) system.
Positive Behaviour for Learning brings together the whole-school community to create a safe, positive learning environment that enables student
learning and wellbeing. We seek feedback from parents regarding our
positive behaviour for learning approach during the implementation process and
we are using this feedback to refine our approach.
We will continue to share further Positive Behaviour
Learning practices and processes at Mapleton State School with parents and the
community. Our goal is that working together, our school community can continue
to respond positively and support our journey in establishing positive
practices that enhance student learning and potential. If you
would like any further information and need clarification regarding this,
please come and chat with either Julianne or the classroom teachers.